Posts Tagged ‘Apocalypse Now’


The television journey has begun – editing

March 16, 2010

We are lucky to have such a steady editor as Torkel Gjørv on board to edit In the shadows of Apartheid. With a long list of successful documentary and fiction films in his catalogue, we could not have asked for a better man for the job.

On the first day of the job, he reminded me we’re following the tradition of another great river movie; Apocalypse Now. Now he’s keen to reveal what this river journey has to offer.

Torkel has already seen through the material, and knows Helge Hjellands journey from source to sea, to source to sea.

The rough cut of the Tugela river is already on the timeline. Now he’s back again at the starting point of both rivers, high up in the Lesotho mountains, to set the rough cut of Helge Hjellands journey down the Orange river to the Atlantic ocean.